News, Updates & Photos
Village Litter Pick Monday 3rd July 23
The school council and 2 selected pupils from each class (Year 1 - 6) have been on another successful litter pick on the green next to the park and the village hall, despite being caught in a massive downpour on the way back to school! This time we noticed that there was not quite as much rubbish as we saw last time, although still a shocking amount considering there are bins placed in this area which should be being used. Again, the children kept asking "why do people do this?".
We collected 5 bin bags of rubbish, including many crisp packets and cans, as well as old rope, wrappers and even an old bin lid!
Well done to everyone for their efforts
More sapling planting 26th May 23
At lunchtime today, some more children came and helped to plant the remaining trees (Rowan) up at forest school. We have planted them in a semi-circle to outline the perimeter of the forest school area. Again, these have been protected with canes and plastic casing. Fingers crossed they will survive
Creating a 'Mini Wildflower Meadow' with the School/Eco Council 18th May 2023
This morning, with the help of our handyman Mike, we used rakes and spades to turn over a rectangular patch of lawn that was outside the hall doors, and then sprinkled wild flowers seeds all over. Some of these had been donated by a member of staff and others had been sent to us as part of the kings . Fingers crossed we will soon see a haven for bees, bugs and butterflies begin to grow.
UPDATE: We have purchased a wire fence to protect the area which has now been put up. We have also acquired a small bird/bug house which has been attached to the back wall.
Planting sapling trees from The Woodland Trust
The woodland trust kindly sent us 15 tree saplings (a mix of Hazel and Rowan trees). This was the first stage of planting - With the help of some EYFS and KS1 children, we planted 7 of these saplings behind the Year 2 classroom, securing each little tree with its own cane and protective plastic casing.
UPDATE: A little visitor has managed to nibble through 3 of the protective casings, right through the stem of the saplings as well. Unfortunately these trees have now died. We have put some stronger and thicker casing around the 4 remaining trees in the hope that this will deter our little visitor from doing it again!
Planting Hazel saplings
On Thursday 30th March 23 The School Council held an Easter bonnet competition. All the children in the school were invited to make an Easter bonnet at home and bring it in to be judged during the Thursday lunchtime. The School Council had 3 main criteria they were looking out for:- That it was Easter themed, it was made by the child and that it was made from as many recycled materials as possible!
KS2 Council members judged EYFS and KS1 bonnets and vica-versa, and a runner-up and winner were chosen from each year group. Every child who had made a bonnet was given a mini chocolate egg for their fantastic effort.
Please see photos below of the children showcasing their amazing creations!
Planting fruit trees at Forest School
On Wednesday 15th March 23 6 children from years 4, 5 and 6 were chosen to help plant some apple and pear trees that we had received free from a company called 'From the Ground Up'. This company known as The Conservation Volunteers have been able to provide 1,125 primary schools with free fruit trees to create their own mini orchards. With the help of a parent we were able to dig holes big enough for the tree roots, and then 1 child held the tree in place while the others filled it back up with compost and mud. Stakes have been put in next to the trees to secure them and provide protection from the wind and flying footballs! It normally takes around 3-4 years for fruit to grow on the trees when they are fully mature so with a lot of TLC hopefully, in years to come, we can harvest and taste the fruits!
Village Litter Pick Thursday 16th February 2023
This afternoon, the school/eco council members, plus 2 other children from years 1 - 6, went to do a desperately needed litter pick on the green next to the village hall in Lower Quinton. The village parish councillor Robert Spooner came with us, having scouted the area out first in case of any dangerous materials. The children were put into pairs and given their own litter pickers and rubbish bags. The children worked incredibly hard and were meticulous in picking up as much litter as they could see...and reach! They could not believe how much rubbish there was in such a small area of the village and questioned why people would do such a thing!
Everyone was so proud of what they achieved this afternoon and you could really see the difference! We have even been lucky enough to get our photograph in the Herald Newspaper
Children's Mental Health Week February 2023

This week the whole school have celebrated this fantastic national event. The charity Place2Be teamed up with the popular TV show 'Taskmaster' to add an extra team building element to this week as well. Every day each class had a go at completing the task set which varied from choregraphing a dance routine to creating a rainbow. The children used their teamwork skills to work in a group or as a whole class to complete these activities. Alongside these, each class had a 'Let's connect' project in which each child individually created something which was then all put together to show how they all connect together. Lastly, each class came up with their own activity based around the connection theme as well. Here are some wonderful photo's to showcase all the children's wonderful work!
Save Our Rainforests! January 2023

Just look at our wonderful rainforest display in the hall! First of all, a huge well done to the School/Eco Council who delivered an assembly to the whole school, which included information about rainforests, facts about deforestation and why and how we need to do all we can to help stop our rainforest animals home being destroyed. We even watched a video clip from David Attenborough!
Then, a second massive thank you to all the children who put in so much time and effort, either decorating their endangered animal, researching and writing facts about endangered rainforest animals or looking into ways we can help to stop rainforests being destroyed. Without these, our display would not look so magnificent. Thank you for raising the profile of this important issue!
SNOW DAY!!!! 2023
We kicked off the week in unique style, with pupils and staff wearing their odd-socks to celebrate our differences and styles. Throughout the week, the children all took part in lessons about what bullying is, how it makes people feel and who we can turn to if we see or experience bullying. Some classes even created their own pledges on what they will do to tackle bullying!
Please see all the fantastic photographs below to see just how involved we all became with this week!
Year 6 Anti Bullying Song

Anti Bullying Week - Song

World Book Day Poems- Can you guess which teacher is reading their favourite poem?

The Land of the Bumbly Boo.MP4


Please Mrs Buttler.MP4

On the Ning Nang Nong.MP4


Odd Sock Planet.MP4


I've Got a Pair of Magic Shoes.MP4

I Have a Little Frog.MP4

I Have a Cat.MP4
