Curriculum Intent
Knowledge-Based Curriculum at Quinton Primary School
Here at Quinton, we follow a knowledge-based curriculum, covering many exciting topics. We are sure that this page will provide you with all the information which you need about our curriculum, but were you to have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our Curriculum is Accessible for All as per:
The Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Regulations 2014
We set high expectations for all children;
We remove barriers to learning to allow all children to achieve those expectations;
Our curriculum is differentiated with targeted support for SEND children;
We adapt both content and teaching strategies to meet the needs of SEND children;
This is on our website;
Our curriculum is designed to allow children to build on prior learning and apply new knowledge and skills to reach a high standard;
Reasonable adjustments are made to allow children with disabilities to attend trips or any enrichment activities that enhance our curriculum;
Targets are set and there is always structured extension work to enable all children to reach their full potential without limits;
Children’s progress and impact of interventions are monitored each half-term with formal pupil progress meetings every term;
Ongoing CPD is in place for all staff;
A wide variety of resources are available in school and staff have the opportunity to purchase specific extra resources if needed;
Key vocabulary forms part of our knowledge organisers and is tested regularly;
Remote learning is in place with a variety of tasks and resources that allow all children to access it. Parents can contact staff if they feel they need extra support.
KS1 & KS2 Curriculum Overview 2022/ 2023
Autumn 1 6 1/2 weeks | Autumn 2 7 weeks | Spring 1 7 weeks | Spring 2 5 weeks | Summer 1 6 weeks | Summer 2 7 1/2 weeks | |
Year 1 | Dinosaurs | People and Animals | Modern Monarchs | Once Upon A Time | Childhood | Poles Apart |
Year 2 | Africa | London's Burning! | Wonder Women | The Scented Garden | Pioneers | Beachcombers |
Year 3 | Egyptians | Stone Age | A Journey Through Europe | Italy | Transport | Extreme Survival |
Year 4 | Romans | Britain from the Air | Reign Over Us! | World Kitchen | Tudor Warwickshire | Mount Kilamanjaro |
Year 5 | Earth & Beyond | Mexico and the Mayans | Walls and Barricades | Wild Waters | Invaders | Rainforests |
Year 6 | Ancient Greeks | Rule Britania | Natural Disasters | World War Two | World War Two | Darwin's Discovery |
Ancient History | People/Inventions | Significant individuals and events | Landmarks and landscapes | British History | Locations |
What is a Knowledge-Based Curriculum?
1. Acquisition of knowledge is at the heart.
2. Knowledge is specified in meticulous detail.
3. Knowledge is acquired in long term memory.
4. Knowledge is carefully sequenced over time.
5. There is a focus on subject disciplines.
At the start of each topic (usually one per half term), children are provided with a 'Knowledge Organiser' which is essentially a fact sheet about their topic. The idea behind this particular method is that, put simply, the more children know off-by-heart, the more they will be able to apply their knowledge.
Please see our Curriculum Evening materials and refer to individual classes' Knowledge Organisers for more information about our topics. If you require any further information regarding the curriculum which we teach, please speak to your child's class teacher.