Welcome to Reception
Welcome to our reception class page! Here you'll find all the key details about our learning journey and daily routines. Be sure to check out Tapestry, where we will share plenty of updates about what we have been up to in class! Also, Reach More Parents for whole school updates. If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to speak to one of the Reception team.
Class Teacher: Mrs Loquens
Teacher (Tuesday): Mrs Betteley
Teaching Assistant: Miss Barrett

About Reception class - Important Information for Parents
Autumn 1 - My Family and Me
Autumn 2 - Starry Night
Spring 1 - Winter
Spring 2 - Life Cycles
Summer 1 - Animals Around the World
Summer 2 - Journeys
Knowledge Organiser
Reception will have P.E. every Monday and Friday. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct kit, which is a school P.E. t-shirt, plain black shorts or plain black jogging bottoms and trainers on these days.
Useful Information
Below are some useful links and some information to support your child's learning in Reception.
What you can do to help at home
It is really important that we work together to follow, guide and support your child's development of learning. Please do share with us anything new that your child is doing at home, anything you think they need support with and also any special moments.You can do this by using your 'Tapestry' app.
Just a few other things you can do to support your child's learning and development at home are:
- Allow your child to be as independent as possible. Can they get themselves dressed? Can they put their shoes on? Can they do up the zips or buttons on their coats? It is important to give them time to practice.
- Each day, share a story together and ask your child questions about what they have read, to check how well they’ve understood the story.
- Practise new phonics sounds and tricky words that we send out to you via Tapestry.
- Choose rhyming stories to read like 'What the ladybird hear', 'Fox socks' or 'Room on a Broom'. If you read the same rhyming story often then your child will eventually join in.
- Take some quality time to talk to each other.
- Make some special time together to have fun. This could be playing a board game, building something out of lego, cooking, acting out a story with teddies/mini figures, painting a picture, making something out of recycled materials, making some play dough or dancing.
- Sing nursery rhymes together like: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 once I caught a fish alive or Five little monkeys, Humpty Dumpty.