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Quinton Primary School

Growing Life Long Learning

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Special Educational Needs



The SEND Team

At Quinton Primary School there is a team in place to ensure that the individual needs of all SEND children are met in a professional and effective manner.  All members of the team are DSL trained. For all children at the school, high quality first wave teaching is a priority before any intervention or support is put in place.



Sarah Miller: SENDCO - Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator

Reporting to: Inclusion Manager (head teacher – David Skelcher)

Responsible for: Learning Support Lead (Nicki Herdman)


If, at any time, we feel that a child may need support, we will contact parents in the first instance to discuss our concerns.  This is a two-way process so if any parents have concerns about their own child/children and potential barriers to learning, they can contact the The SEND Team through admin2043@welearn365.com or phone the school on 01789 720317.

We also employ a part-time child mentor – Lesley-Anne Dean – for extra pastoral support.



It is a statutory requirement for schools to publish and review an annual SEND Policy and SEND Information . To see our SEND and Inclusion Policy and SEND Information please see the document below.

Warwickshire Schools' Inclusion Charter
