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Quinton Primary School

Growing Life Long Learning

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Sports Premium

Sports Premium Funding 2022- 2023


Once again this year, the school will be receiving the Sports Premium Funding from the Government.

Since March 2013, the Government has provided a package of funding for physical education (PE) and school sport.  This is continuing.


This funding is ring fenced, and allocated directly to primary schools across England, providing them with a dedicated resource to buy in invaluable expertise and support. Funding is allocated through a lump sum for each school and a per-pupil top-up mechanism. The formula will reference the number of primary-aged pupils (i.e. children between the ages of 5 and 11). All schools with seventeen or more primary-aged pupils will receive a lump sum plus a premium of £5 per pupil.


Schools have flexibility on how they use the funding but it should be used to increase and improve the PE and sport offered to pupils. At Quinton, all children from Reception to Year 6 receive 2 hours of high quality PE lessons per week (one of which is delivered by professional sports coaches).We thoroughly believe this will enable us to continue to place PE high on the agenda and the impact that has on children's wellbeing is noticeable.


The funding also allows to offer extra-curricular sports clubs for both KS1 and KS2, run by professional coaches, at minimal cost to parents.


The impact of this expertise continued to pay dividends pre-Covid with the display cabinet for our sports trophies becoming more populated through our sporting success as Quinton School became tournament winners in various sports.  This has a massive impact on the feelgood factor for the whole school. We will continue to endeavour to raise the children’s skill levels even higher and return to our winning ways as soon as any inter-school tournaments take place again.
