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Quinton Primary School

Growing Life Long Learning

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Year 1

Welcome to Class 1!


Teachers: Mrs Gibson and Miss Johnson

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Higgins and Mrs Houghton


Thank you for visiting our class page. Here, you can find information about our topics, homework expectations in Year 1 and our P.E. lessons. You can also find some useful documents as well as being able to see updates about our learning.




Our topics for the following year are as follows:

Autumn 1- Dinosaurs

Autumn 2- People and Animals

Spring 1- Significant Individual (TBC)

Spring 2- Get Out Of My Swamp

Summer 1- Childhood

Summer 2- Poles Apart


Knowledge organisers will be handed out to your child at the beginning of each term. They can also be viewed at the bottom of this class page.


Homework Expectations

READING: In Year 1, children are expected to read at home every night in order to develop their fluency, comprehension and vocabulary. All children have a homework diary in which they should record which page of their book they are up to.


PHONICS: Children will be given a phonics workbook each week for the sound they are learning in class and a list of words to practise reading by 'segmenting and blending the sounds'. Children are expected to complete the workbooks and practise the words at home but they do not need to hand these back in. 


MATHS: Children have a mental maths homework book and are required to complete a double page of Maths homework per week. This goes home on a Tuesday and must be handed in the following Monday.

We also recommend that your child regularly logs on to 'Numbots' to answer questions to help improve their fluency with number. 






Year 1 will have P.E. on Mondays and Fridays


PE kit consists of:

School jumper

Purple PE t-shirt or yellow/purple polo shirt

Black shorts or joggers - No logo or pattern




Year 1 will have Forest School in Autumn Term 2 on a Friday.

Forest School kit is the same as the PE kit but with a warm and weather proof coat, hat and gloves and waterproof trousers if you have a pair.





Knowledge Organisers

In Year 1 we begin to learn cursive writing.  Please feel free to use the following powerpoint with your children at home to help develop their cursive style! 

Cursive writing

Help with Phonics

Phase 5 phonics is taught throughout Year 1 and children should be confidently reading and writing these sounds by the end of the school year. We have included a phase 5 sounds mat above so you can check the sounds your child already knows and which they might have forgotten.

By being able to read and write these sounds your child will be learning how to read and spell decodable words.

The links below are for activities that will consolidate this work.

Common exception words are words that appear regularly in day-to-day language but which can’t be decoded using normal phonetic rules. That’s why these words are both tricky and essential for pupils to learn and a word mat has been included above.

