Year 2
Welcome to Class 2
Teacher: Mrs Martin
Teaching Assistants: Mr Singleton, Miss Timms, Miss Smith and Miss Williams
Thank you for visiting our class page. On here, you can find more information about our topics, homework expectations in Year 2 and our P.E. lessons. You will also be able to find some useful documents as well as being able to see updates about our learning.
Autumn 1- Africa
Autumn 2- London's Burning
Spring 1- Pioneers
Spring 2- Wonder Women
Summer 1- The Scented Garden
Summer 2- Beachcombers
Homework Expectations
In Year 2, children are expected to read every night at home in order to develop their fluency, comprehension and vocabulary. All children have a homework diary and you should use it to record which page of their book they are up to. In addition to this, children receive a page of Maths homework per week. This goes home on a Tuesday and must be back in school the following Monday. At the beginning of each half term, the children will bring home KIRF (Key Instant Recall Facts) sheets relating to the facts they have to learn. Please practise the facts regularly at home as the children will be tested at the beginning and end of every half term.
P.E. and Forest School
Year 2 will have Multi-skills every Monday and P.E. on Wednesdays. Children will need to wear their P.E. kit to school every Monday and Wednesday. Kit includes: school P.E. t-shirt, school jumper/cardigan, tracksuit bottoms or shorts and trainers.
For Forest School sessions, the children should come to school in their Forest School clothes (occasional Wednesdays). Forest School clothes include: normal school t-shirt & jumper/cardigan, tracksuit bottoms or leggings, a coat and old trainers or wellies.
Useful websites
Knowledge Organisers and Termly Information