Year 4
Welcome to Class 4
Teachers : Mrs Lloyd/ Mrs Nicholds-Trainor on a Thursday
Teacher Assistant: Mrs Chambers Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings/ Mrs Woollard Thursday and Friday mornings
Thank you for visiting our class page. On here, you will be able to find information about our topics, homework expectations in Year 4 and our P.E. lessons. You will also be able to find some useful documents as well as being able to see updates about our learning.
Autumn 1 : The Romans
Autumn 2 : Britain from the Air
Spring 1 : Reign Over Us
Spring 2 : Tudor Warwickshire
Summer 1: Mount Kilimanjaro
Summer 2 : World Kitchen
Homework Expectations
Every child has a homework diary which they are expected to have in school daily with their current reading book. In the front of their homework diary, you can find their login details for Times Tables Rockstars and Spelling Frame.
We love reading and want to nurture an enjoyment and independence in every pupil. We encourage every child to read at home for a minimum of 15 minutes daily to develop their fluency, comprehension and vocabulary. The homework diary should be used to record their daily reading. Diaries are checked regularly to ensure that children are completing their reading homework. We encourage parental involvement, even with independent readers, to check their understanding of the text.
Each child will has a Maths homework book and every week they are expected to complete a page set by school. This goes home after being marked on a Tuesday and must be back in school the following Monday. If the homework has not been handed in on Monday, there is time allocated for your child to complete the work at a lunchtime club.
By the end of Year 4, all children are expected to know their timestables up to 12 x 12. These are practised and tested daily to ensure they have quick responses. Please practise them at home with your children too, as this has a huge impact on their progress in school. Regularly in school, children practise Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS). This is a resource which we encourage them also to use at home as regularly as possible.
At the beginning of each term, pupils receive a list of spellings, based on their ability, and a spelling rule for the week. They have some opportunities to practise these words in school, but they are also expected to learn at them at home. There is a weekly spelling test on a Friday.
At the beginning of each new topic, your child will be given a Knowledge Organiser with facts on linked to the topic. Each week, they have set information to learn from the Knowledge Organiser (the Knowledge Organiser timetable states what they need to learn each week) to be tested on each Friday.
This year, we have P.E. on Tuesdays and Multi-skills on Thursdays. Please ensure that your child comes in correct kit on these days. Kit should include a school P.E. t-shirt, school jumper, tracksuit bottoms or shorts and trainers.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Spring 2 Spellings
Spring 2 Curriculum Map
Useful Information
Below are some useful links to support the learning in Year 4.