Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Teachers : Mrs Timms (Monday & Tuesday)/ Mrs Asbury (Wednesday, Thursday & Friday)
Teacher Assistant: Mrs Woollard (every morning)/ Mrs Houghton (Wednesdays)
Autumn 1 : The Romans
Autumn 2 : Britain from the Air
Spring 1 : Reign Over Us
Spring 2 : Tudor Warwickshire
Summer 1: Mount Kilimanjaro
Summer 2 : World Kitchen
Homework Expectations
Reading- daily 15 minutes
Spelling- Spelling Frame- 3 times per week for 10 minutes
Maths- Mathletics book- 1 page per week (due in on a Monday, and marked on a Tuesday)
Topic- Knowledge Organiser learning- weekly (as per timetable)
We have P.E. on Tuesdays and Multi-skills on Thursdays. Please ensure that your child comes in correct kit on these days. Kit should include a school P.E. t-shirt, school jumper, tracksuit bottoms or shorts and trainers.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Useful Information
Below are some useful links to support the learning in Year 4.