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Quinton Primary School

Growing Life Long Learning

Home Learning

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Year 6

Welcome to Class 6!


Teacher: Miss Cooper

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Chambers


Thank you for visiting our class page. On here, you can find information about our topics, homework expectations in Year 6 and our P.E. lessons. You can also find some useful documents as well as being able to see updates about our learning.



Autumn 1- Ancient Greece ( Class reader: Who Let the Gods Out by Maz Evans)

Autumn 2- Natural Disasters  ( Class reader: Escape from Pompeii)

Spring 1 & 2- World War Two ( Class readers: Goodnight Mr. Tom by Michelle Magorian and Letters from the Lighthouse by Emma Carroll)

Summer 1- Rule Britannia ( Class reader: Viking Boy by Tony Bradman)

Summer 2- Yes Minister! (Class reader: The Light Jar by Lisa Thompson)


Homework Expectations

In Year 6, children are expected to read every night at home in order to develop their fluency, comprehension and vocabulary. All children have a homework diary in which they should record which page of their book they are up to. In addition to this, children receive a page of Maths homework per week. This goes home on a Wednesday and must be back in school the following Monday.


For Spelling homework, each fortnight a group of 14 words will be uploaded onto RMP for children to practise.



Looking for more inspiration? Books for topics is a BRILLIANT resource for finding books on all subjects and for all ages. You can sign up to their blog and mailing list and get recommended reads straight to your inbox every month. 



We have P.E. every WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY afternoon, so please ensure that your child comes in their correct kit on these days. Kit should include school P.E. t-shirt, school jumper, tracksuit bottoms or shorts and trainers.


Quick links to useful sites:



TTRS - Use your log-ins located in your Homework Diaries to access your times-tables. 




Know what your child is accessing online. Check here for parental guidance and online content advice. 





