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Quinton Primary School

Growing Life Long Learning

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Welcome to our Nursery!


At Quinton Primary School, our Nursery is designed to deliver a welcoming, stimulating and fun environment in which children can learn and develop before their transition to school. We recognise that foundations for learning are embedded in the first years of life and the quality of these will impact on children's longer term development.


Our Approach


Our child initiated, play-based approach to learning provides extensive opportunities and experiences. We focus greatly on independence and learning new skills, following the children’s interests and also delivering many additional experiences.

We feel it is important that the children in our care also have access to a rich and varied curriculum with many natural and authentic resources which we into weave into their learning through loose seasonal topics and themes. We provide opportunities such as P.E. sessions, ribbon dancing, forest school and outdoor learning, celebrating individual families' customs together, singing assemblies, developing cooking skills, and even caring for our Nursery pets. We feel that all of this contributes to our rich provision that nurtures children's holistic development and well-being and follows the Early Years Foundation Stage.

Parent Partnership


The most important influences on children's early development are those that come from home which is why we embed parent partnership into all of our practice from the very start of your child’s continued learning journey with us.

We deeply respect the role that parents and carers play in their child’s life and we want to develop a close working relationship with you so that we are consistently meeting your family's needs. We find that open, two-way communication is the best way to cultivate this so we always make time to talk .We share our observations of your children with you using an online learning journal called ‘Tapestry’ and you can see these anytime you choose.


A child's future choices, attainment, wellbeing, happiness and resilience are profoundly affected by the quality of guidance, love and care they receive during their first years. Which is why we feel it is so important to share their learning journey closely together.
