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Quinton Primary School

Growing Life Long Learning

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Ethos and Values

We want to unlock the learning potential of every child in our school, remove any barriers to learning and offer every child opportunities to develop the skills they need for a happy, healthy and successful life.


We do this by:

  • Providing a supportive learning environment which enables all children to feel safe and secure and to develop independence and confidence.
  • Taking care of and supporting the needs of every child.
  • Promoting the well-being of everyone in the school so that they are happy and confident.
  • Helping children develop a social, moral and spiritual awareness so they become caring and responsible members of the school and the wider community with a focus on the positive impact of kindness in all aspects of school life.
  • Valuing everybody and respecting individuality.
  • Providing a stimulating, exciting, challenging and engaging curriculum.
  • Inspiring children to be curious and inquisitive learners and supporting them to develop the skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to be successful learners.
  • Having consistently high expectations and celebrating hard work and achievement.
  • Developing a sense of pride.
  • Providing a positive ethos of support, praise and encouragement.
  • Taking the time to regularly assess and review in order to get the best outcomes for each individual.