Parents Association
Quinton Parents Association (QPA) aims to ensure that the children at Quinton Primary School not only experience enjoyable social events and memorable school trips but also supply the school with valuable educational resources.
A group of dedicated parents organise several events a year which creates an opportunity for parents, children and the local village community to unite in a fun and positive way. These events raise much needed funds for the school and enables QPA to provide the children with playground equipment, trips to the theatre and educational resources.
All parents are encouraged to get involved, even if they only have an hour to spare! QPA appreciate all help, whether it’s baking, running a stall or clearing up after an event.
QPA organises several main events a year such as the Christmas and Easter Fayres. They also organise many other events throughout the year, for example, Quiz Night, Pamper Night, Halloween Party or even a Bingo Night. These events have proved to be very popular and well supported.
Apart from events, QPA offers various other ongoing schemes to boost their fundraising, especially to assist those parents who can’t always attend the events.
Textile Bank
Easy fundraising doesn’t come simpler than this! You can support QPA by donating any unwanted textiles and you can recycle at the same time. When donating, please place your donations in a supermarket type bag and NOT in a larger bin bag. We are sometimes unable to remove blockages caused by bin bags, which prevents other donations being made. Larger bags left outside the bank also lead to theft, which means QPA losing money. The profit from the textile bank is shared with our local St Swithin’s Church.
What to Recycle?
Clean and wearable adult and children's clothing, shoes, trainers, handbags, belts, curtains, towels, duvet covers and pillow cases.
What NOT to Recycle?
Soft toys, books, duvets and pillows.
The Giving Machine
Every time you shop online, you could raise money for the school. This is a completely free way to support the school and signing up is a quick and simple process. When signing up, please search for “Quinton Primary School” and select the school as your charity. Please follow the link below and register TODAY!
For more information and to join the QPA, please email or visit their Facebook page “Quinton Parents Association“.