Year 5
Welcome to Class 5!
Teacher: Mrs Kirman
Teaching Assistants: Mrs Pedley, Mrs Williams and Mrs Nicholds-Trainor
Thank you for visiting our class page. On here, you can find information about our topics, homework expectations in Year 5 and our P.E. lessons. You can also find some useful documents as well as being able to see updates about our learning.
Autumn 1- Earth and Beyond
Autumn 2 - Mexico and the Mayans
Spring 1- Walls and Barricades
Spring 2- Wild Waters
Summer 1- Invaders
Summer 2- Rainforests
Homework Expectations
In Year 5, children are expected to read every night at home in order to develop their fluency, comprehension and vocabulary. All children have a homework diary in which they should record which page of their book they are up to. In addition to this, children receive a page of Maths homework per week. This goes home on a Tuesday and must be back in school the following Monday (it will be marked every Tuesday). Each half term the children will be given some Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRF) to learn, which relate to their Maths. The focus for this half term will be on knowing the Roman Numerals and the numbers they represent.
Autumn Term 2024
This term, Year 5 will have P.E. every Monday and Thursday afternoon. Thursday's session will take place in school with On-Side Coaching and Monday's session will be swimming. Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct kit, which includes: a school P.E. t-shirt and jumper; plain black shorts or plain black jogging bottoms and trainers. Please ensure your child brings in a drinks bottle.
Forest School
We will not have Forest School this half term.
Useful websites:
Spelling practice:
Times Tables practice:
Purple Mash can be accessed via:
Children should continue to use the log-in information they have already been assigned with when accessing the above sites.
Recommended reads: