Year 4
We hope you had a lovely weekend.
We have uploaded some work for you to complete in English, Maths and Science. If you are struggling to access the work please do not panic but make sure you have completed your mathletes homework, read, do 5 garage levels in Times Table Rockstars and a couple of activities/tests on spelling frame
Miss Miller, Mrs Havard and Mrs Pedley
In class, we are going to be writing about Tudor houses tomorrow. So, today, you can carry out some research. Look at the information I have uploaded and then write a comparison between where you live and a Tudor house. What are the differences? Are there any things that are the same?
After that, you can draw a picture of a Tudor house or perhaps make a model of one. Please do bring them into school as I would love to see them and put them on display.
Make sure you do some Times Table Rockstars ( focus on garage, studio and soundchecker activities). There is a recap sheet on addition and subtraction for you to complete - sheet 1. Sheet 2 is about fractions which we have been doing in school and sheet 3 is some mental maths on doubling and halving for you to practise.You can print it out or write it out.
This week we are celebrating science week in school. The theme for science week this year is 'Connections'. There are a couple of science activities included for you to do on the science topic we are doing on sound. You only need to write or type up the conclusion to the string telephone experiment and we would like you to write 5 facts that you have found out about how animals hear; make sure you include echolocation. You can use the clips to help you.
In addition to these activities we are doing a science competition where we would like you to create a science poster based on any scientist or a scientific invention; this poster will need to be in school by the Tuesday 21st March.