We started off by asking the question "What does 'Let's Connect' mean"? During a circle-time session we talked about what ‘mental health’ means (keeping our brain healthy and learning how to look after our feelings) and then what ‘connecting with someone’ means. We talked about who we connect with and why, such as our family, our friends if we have the same colour hair etc or we like the same things, and that all the children in the school connect because they all go to Quinton Primary School! To help us see how we connected as a class, the children were given 8 cubes each, which they used to make a model. We then connected all of them together to make one big model! This is what the children thought it looked like...
“a transformer” “a zigzag” “jungle” “ship, pirate ship” “the seaside”
“a fire engine with a person climbing up the ladders” “a princess castle”
Let's Connect circle-time
We then talked about the fact that we are all so lucky to have a voice that we can use to talk to and connect to other people with, whether this be to share our feelings or ask for help. We played a game where 1 child closed their eyes and sat with their back to the class. Another child was chosen to say ‘apple pie’ and the child had to guess who had said it just by their voice! The children were amazing at this and got them all correct!
Apple Pie! (Guess the voice)

Throughout the day, the children used colouring and sticking techniques to create a paper doll of themselves. These will all be connected to look like they are holding hands to show how they connect as a Reception class.
Paper Dolls
To finish the week off, in Guided Reading the children listened to the story of ‘Room on the Broom’. Throughout the story I asked the children who the witch was connecting to each time, and the children were able to say the name of the character. We even talked about the connection to the dragon which was not a good connection as the characters were scared of him!