Home Learning
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Quinton Primary School

Growing Life Long Learning

Home Learning

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Year 2

Good morning Year 2, 


I hope you've had a lovely weekend and enjoyed the sunshine!  We're sorry that we can't be with you at school today, but just do your best with the home learning and bring your work to school when you come back.  yes


If you cannot access these home learning tasks, you can still do other work such as: The Science poster about Marianne North, Reading, Spelling Frame, Numbots/Times Tables Rock Stars and Topmarks. 


Here are your home learning tasks for today.


First, please complete the Flashback 4 task.  It doesn't have to be printed - just write the answers on a piece of paper.

Video - Measure in centimetres. This is a new topic that we are starting today, so I hope you get on ok with it at home.

Watch the video, then complete the worksheet

Once you have completed the worksheet, you could have a go at measuring items around your home if you have a ruler or a measuring tape. Record your measurements.


*Remember* make sure that the start of the object is lined up at 0cm! 


Your task today is to compare Victorian hospitals to modern hospitals.  We have already learned about conditions in the hospital at Scutari. 


Go through the powerpoint to remind you what Victorian hospitals were like, then compare them to modern hospitals.  Use the grid that I have made or just write the headings (and underline) on a piece of lined paper.  There is also a 'helpsheet' to use if you get stuck.


This week is British Science Week, so we will be completing some Science activities each day. 


Today is all about looking at an Ocean habitat.  Take a look at the BBC Bitesize link and have a go at the activities that follow.

Competition Time

Then, I would like you to research a Victorian botanical artist called Marianne North and create a poster about her for the poster competition. Be as creative as you like. See website link below, for more information about her.

Have a great day!laugh
